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A wonderful bit of audio called “Sensing the Dance” from my instructor MWMurdock.  This is his perception of what it is to be an Ascended being.  He explains how he feels that being ascended is about the dance between energy and matter.

I personally has always been in-tune with the energies around me, sometimes to in-tune with others.  This has made my life a bit interesting as if you allow the energy’s around you to affect you, well it can be good and it can be bad.

I am a empath and a healer.  I am not trained but do this unconsciously, this can make my life a bit dramatic, when I do not realize the energy is not mine.  I can take anyones energy around me and filter it to where they feel great and what ever ailed them, emotional or physical is now gone.

How does being an empath and a healer play into ascended being?  Well I am energy, all I feel is energy around me.  Even the rocks on the ground vibrate with their energy as I walk past them.

Please listen to the audio, look it up and come back and give me some of your thoughts.


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